Snow on a Balsam Fir with beautiful Blue October Skies!
After yesterdays snow, temperatures made it into the upper 30s yesterday, which started melting the snow, but cool overnight lows in the mid 20s allowed the snow to remain on the ground overnight and into today! a good 1 inch in spots! After Clouds starting clearing out, the strong October Sun didn’t take long to start melted the snow, it didn’t take long before you really could see and hear lots of dripped and snow falling off the trees. The Snow, Blue Skies and green backdrop really made for very cool looking pictures! I think with the green trees and snow, this scene looks more like in the mountains then Wisconsin in Mid October!
Highs today made it into the low 40s here, The strong sun did melt much of the snow, but even as the day ended some snow Still remained on the ground! North sides of roofs and buildings and heavily shaded spots still hold snow cover, there’s still a pretty solid snow pack on the north side of our house but everywhere around it the snow has melting, It looks pretty odd, our yard everywhere else is all green besides then all white this single place.