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Fall Color Report #3

Yellow Maples in the woods across from my house Oct 8th

Fall colors around Clayton, have really popped over the past week, seems like more and more color comes out everyday! Maples are peaking at there color, lots of Red and Yellow and orange can be seen in Maples, Ash trees are turning and quickly loosing leaves, Even late turning trees are showing signs of color, Oaks have a hint of color, and so do Aspens and Birch. In My yard, the Ash in the front has fully turned Yellow- Dark Purple and is starting to loose leaves, and our oaks are hinting at color, in the Backyard Our birch tree is Yellow, and the ash seems to be dropping leaves with out turning much of a color, This is why I’ve went with High Color on my fall color report, I feel that with in the next few days color will really be turning quickly. Lots of color showing in roadside trees. most of the reds in this picture coming from Maple trees.

last week this was still green with just a touch of color this week it has lots of color trees are really picking up the pace. One of my friends said that the color of the trees in this photo can be compared to a pack of candy life savers!

I really like the color is this tree, they were so bright in this little soft maple that I has to stop and take picture!

We are at high color currently here in Clayton and I feel peak color is not far off!

One last picture of some bright color in a soft maple tree once again, They really seem to have color this year, Taken Oct 7th.

Fall Color Report
Trees are quickly turning across the area, Grantsburg in Burnett County, Luck in Northern Polk County and Birchwood in Washburn county are all reporting Peak Color, While Spooner, my report here in Clayton and Rice Lake are reporting High Color, Even places like Hudson and Menomonie which were reporting Low color just 4 days ago are now reporting Moderate color, So Colors are great across the entire area, we have Moderate to Peak color.


  1. I love the first photo in this post Derek, awesome picture of the bright yellows! Trees are changing here in West Duluth, but it continues to be a fairly slow process, although it does seem like it has sped up a bit this week compared to last week, but still only about 20-30% color change is my guess right now.

  2. The colors have popped this week over here as well. I have driven to Sheboygan each day this week and I can assure you on my drive home today the colors were more vibrant than they were on Monday. The stretch I drive is HWY 45 south from Oshkosh to Fond du Lac then HWY 23 east to Sheboygan. It’s a pretty drive as the stretch south is along Lake Winnebago and the stretch east is through the hills.

    Great pictures D, and thanks for the full report!

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