This is the forecast for the Iowa State Fair for Saturday August 15th
NWS: Partly Cloudy 84°, 20% chance of Thunderstorms in PM, South Wind 10-20mph Gusting to 30mph.
WX Underground: Partly Sunny 83°, 20% Chance of Thunderstorms in PM, South Wind 10-20mph, gusting to 30mph.
WHO-TV: Partly Cloudy 85° Storms West
KCCI-TV: Partly Cloudy 83° Storms West of I-35
ABC5: Partly Cloudy 85°, PM Storms West
Grade: A- (B- PM) Great if the rain holds off.
Was at the Fair today and it was very hot, but enough fair weather cumulus clouds helped keep the sun from beating down on the huge crowd that was at the fairgrounds today.