All of Iowa

The First Five Months

5morainfallHere is a chart showing precipitation for the first five months of 2009 in comparison to 2008 and to average.(Through May 31st) A few places have actually seen more precipitation this year than last year, including Des Moines and Burlington. The northern half of the state has seen less rain, and in some parts of the state, especially in northwest Iowa, they have barely recieved half to 3/4ths of what they should have by this time. There is a moderate drought currently in Minnesota where Minneapolis is down 4 inches. They were below average on precipitation last year as well. They have also had hotter weather than Iowa. Minneapolis has already hit 97° this year, where many places in the southeastern part of the state have failed to even reach 90° Temperatures over the first five months of the year have averaged between 2 degrees below and 1 degree above average. There has been a Severe Weather Drought in the state as well, with a lot less severe thunderstorms and tornadoes than last year’s near record amount. As we near the 1 year anniversary of the Flood of 2008, flooding on the proportions of that event, aren’t likely to happen anytime soon.