Month: May 2009

Mysterious Meteorologist

Mysterious Meteorologist’s View on Severe Weather Coverage

Criticism like this goes with the territory. You develop a thick skin pretty quick. That said, I think if a station demonstrates a responsible and consistent approach to severe weather, people will understand. The same people who criticize an interruption when they aren’t affected will be the first to turn to you when they are …

Gardening, Uncategorized

More photos everything in full bloom it seems!

Apricot Tree flowers May 4th Wisconsin really does start to get pretty this time of year. Many things are going into full bloom here, I have also seen early trees really starting to green up and Late ones are starting the early stages of leaf out. No that is not snow you are seeing in …

Gardening, Uncategorized

Nice next couple of days coming up, Then rain chances

Weathermap for Sunday, Monday and Tuesday Weather for the next two days looks to be Nice with warming temperatures and Sunshine. but some isolated clouds with sprinkles will be possible Sunday. but should mainly be sunny, With a high pressure nearby, Warmer air will start to flow in from the southwest, and we will really …

All of Iowa

May Notes

As we have crossed into the month of May, a few notes. The month of May is the month where we typically see the last frost of the year (the lastest average last frost is mid-May in NW Iowa) until at least late October. Severe Weather ramps up this month, as was evident with the …