Gardening, Uncategorized

Green-up Update

Daffodils in Full Bloom May 1st 2009

We are really greening up nicely with the rain the past week, I am already noticing some early trees with a green hue from a distance, so if you look out on the landscape you can see some patches of light green on early tree to leaf out, Late trees are just starting to break buds and flower buds. Grass has really been noticeable greener, hay fields and yards are totally green there is not much brown grass left anymore. I have seen Spring Daffodils are in full bloom across town, as well as in my garden, I have seen a few Tulips that Are just starting to bloom, but My tulips are not blooming yet. I also noticed Greenhouses are opening up and selling flowers. Watch out for cool temperatures the next 3 nights but especially tonight, some places might get close to freezing which may cause some light frost. I think most areas will stay above 32.F but if you were temped to buy flowers and have put them out already I would bring them in at nights for this weekend Scroll down to see more pictures below!

The grass in our front yard

Pretty soon I will be mowing this! Lilacs are all leafed out here while trees in the back round have none! Lilacs normally bloom around May 25Th

I thought this photo looked neat You can see the weeping willow with a greenish-yellow hue with partly cloudy skies behind. The yellow hue is from all the yellow catkins starting to bloom, which have a sweet smell to them.