Gardening, Uncategorized

April Fools!!!!

Many people were probably surprised when they woke up to 1 to as much as 3 inches inch of wet snow on the ground! Even after moderate rain showers yesterday that dropped 0.22 of rain here in Clayton, Yesterday even hail was reported in the some strong showers across the area. Hail could have especially fell south of Osceola, I also saw some hail here, it was small hail, nothing severe of coarse. The reason for the snow is Cold air wrapped around the Low pressure system that is spinning across Minnesota and Wisconsin, The snow is very wet in nature. it is just a slush! The snow wont be lasting long, Temperatures will be in the 30s and 40s the next few days, Which is below average, but By Friday we should be looking at sunshine.

the April Fools Day snow sure fooled these daffodils growing on the south side of our house! Snow should be done falling by tonight, there should not be too much more accumulation but there could be a bit more.


  1. Spring is starting out slow… well at least the feeling of it. Around here I am starting to see small signs of growth.

    Ya know, last year, this week, I linked a photo of yours in my entry . Any thunderstorms possible this weekend? 😉

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