Gardening, Uncategorized

Earth Hour at our house!

Our house before Earth Hour ( sorry about glare on the car in the camrea which caused a refection )
Our house during Earth Hour

We turned off our lights for Earth Hour, including Grow Lights normally left all almost all the time to keep annual plant startings strong. I also turned off heaters fridge and fridge lights and all the lights off in every room. Here is a video of me actually “shutting” down our house for the hour. I kept my comptuer on long enough to see a web cam of Downtown Minneapolis lights turning off, before I turned off my computer for the hour. I did look at Clayton lights and it did seem to be a bit darker during the hour, but Street lights were left on becuse turning thoughs off may cause safety issued, Next Year I hope some of the areas cities and villages around the area will take part, anyway I hope you enjoyed and took part in Earth Hour 2009, I think it is a neat event.

1 Comment

  1. Unfortunately we did not participate in Earth hour this year. Since Sonya’s birth (our first baby) our house has become less green, as a matter of fact. We are trying to curve the trend, however… 🙂

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