Gardening, Uncategorized

Small chance of severe weather tomorrow

Image from SPC Click Here for an updated image 

There is a very small chance of Severe weather for parts of the area tomorrow, Mainly southeast of Spooner to Rice Lake line, This chance is small, just 5%, but because it is there, I will post about it. A pretty strong weather system will effect the area tomorrow,  which will produce Showers and Thunderstorms, some may be strong, but if the happen to get strong enough a few isolated storms may become severe Mainly hail would be the main threat from these storms, Maybe gusty winds too Just something people should be aware of. Be sure to check my weather camera because I will be filming all due to this chance.

Daffodils at my aunts farm Saturday March 21st 

Here is a photo of some daffodils from Saturday, There are already flower buds showing up! if the weather stays nice they will be blooming soon, These daffodils are planted along the south side of the foundation of her house, and because of this Temps during sunny says can be 10 degrees warmer then the actual temperature and this makes her daffodils way earlier then others, Her daffodils are about 2 weeks ahead of normal ones not planted on southern side of of buildings. Mine just went into the ground yesterday, so there about an inch tall. Just another promise of spring to show everyone.