Gardening, Uncategorized

A little About Me.

Photo of me March 5Th 

So I did not really want to write this that much, but I guess I should since I’m to owner of this blog. I Deiced to write about what sparked my Interest in weather. Anyway, My 18Th Birthday is This weekend on March 8Th It is Sunday, Which by the way I turn 18 with my 2 triplet brothers. Anyway I thought it would be a good Idea to post this. As many of you know, my main hobby and interest is weather. But I also really enjoy Gardening, and other things like Road Trips and Maps. I’m not sure what sparked my interest in plants/gardens I’ve just always had this interest. But I do Remember what really sparked my interest in Weather, I Remember liking the weather for what seems like forever, but what really spark it is the Strait Line Wind event in the Summer of 2001, I was between 8 and 10 years old at this time. Anyone living in West Central Wisconsin definitely remembers this Storm. Which sent 80MPH winds though Polk and Barron counties. Ok
My story: I Remember the news cast talking about it on the TV and I was watching the storm on radar. The TV was warning people to get under cover.  At the last minute, my dad suddenly remembered he had left some gas out that he did not want to get full of water. So he went out and me and my brother watch him outside from the backyard. I Remember this big dark rolling cloud which came from the northwest, the Direction of Clayton. The rolling cloud went over, as our dad was still out getting the gas. I remember looking over to some trees northwest of our house and staring at them for a while, when suddenly the wind hit them, and they were moving pretty severely. Me and my brother screamed ( we did not know any better ) and then I ran inside and my brother and dad were still outside, I remember sticks and Junk hitting the window behind me. My Dad was outside the longest and he said as he was running to the house, he saw the large White ash tree ( a tree that still stand today ) in our backyard bent at almost a 90 degree angle. He also said he saw another large ash tree fall in the backyard. Then we all went to the basement, the sound outside was amazing it was roaring, After it was all over, I Remember Saying We lost a huge tree, and I looked around and we had lost many large branches and a huge arm off the Maple tree, and that one large Ash I mention before, I also remember a branch that was split in half length wise by strong west winds. I Remember riding in the car as we drove though Clayton, There were trees down everywhere, blocking the road. I also remember a small shed building that was blown over in downtown. That was definitely a Major severe storm here, You can still see the damage in the woods north of town. Please comment here and share what sparked you Interest in weather! 


  1. Thankyou Nathan, You are a true Friend! Thanks for helping me start this blog by the way! now I can look at posts from last year to find stuff out like when spring flowers started down here!

  2. Today’s the day, eh?! Now you can fight in a war, but you still can not drink legally. Anyways… 🙂

    Happy birthday, D!

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