All of Iowa

Season Changer

At Mid-Morning, temperatures are taking a tremendous temperature dive across the western part of Iowa. Temperatures have already fallen into the single digits in Sioux City (5°), LeMars (5°), and Orange City (9°), with wind chills approaching -20°. Meanwhile spring time weather continues in the eastern half of the state with Des Moines (51°) and Burlington (54°) along with several other locations in the 40s and 50s. This won’t last! The cold front will move through by mid-afternoon and the temperatures will tumble rapidly, with readings dropping 15-20° in less than 4 hours. By sunset, temperatures will be below zero in NW Iowa and in the single digits and teens in central Iowa, with a few 20s in eastern Iowa holding on. Be prepared for this very rapidly changing weather. Some rain, freezing rain and snow may accompany this front as it moves through, amounts should remain light however, but any rain that falls will QUICKLY ice up with these quick temperature falls.