This is a review of the DVD that was produced by KCRG TV 9 in Cedar Rapids. This was purchased along with the book (review is posted below). I watched it early this morning and it took my breath away. I’ve been struggling through a terrible cold, but this DVD made that seem miniscule compared to the images seen on this DVD. This was VERY well put together. Excerpts of KCRG’s flood coverage were intermixed with interviews of the reporters, the anchors, the production staff, anyone that was effected some way by the flood. Given that it’s been 5 months since the terrible flood struck Iowa, this brought back a lot of memories that I had witnessed through watching the coverage live on television. Words can’t express what was seen through these people’s eyes. From the boat tours to the aerial tours of the flooding, it makes you really be thankful for what you’ve got because so many people lost all of their belongings, their livlihoods, the neighboorhoods just taken away by the surge of as John Campbell put it chocolate water. Whereas the aftermath is still being written today and will be for many years to come, this DVD will bring it all back. When you watch it, you will be moved!!!
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I feel the video was almost a waste of money! I wanted them to STOP SHOWING THEMSELVES TALKING and narrate the footage (selfish). lots of very short clips of flooding followed by longer annoying clips of them talking. the poor victims and the flooding should have been what was shown. what they say in the video rely does help drive the devastation home, but they could have done a much better video saying what they did in narration, I didn’t buy the video to see them, I bought the video so i could have a way the look back at the flooding, not watch reruns of them in the news room. if i could edit the film it would still contain all the great info and be full of flood and victim interview footage. Only good thing is some of the money went to flood relief. If i could return the video i would.