Gardening, Uncategorized

Severe Storms hit Polk and Barron Counities

GRleavel3 Radar Image September 27Th

late last night Storms were strengthening over Amery and in Northern Barron County which caused a Severe Thunderstorm Warning to be issued. Shortly after 12:00AM the southern end of the line of storms move east and Strengthed directly over Clayton. what I saw at my house was nearly continuous cloud to cloud lighting and heavy rain but the main story was the pea sized to dime sized hail which covered our sidewalk and knocked leaves out of the trees. after the storm hit my area it continued to move east northeast hitting areas around Turtle Lake but the whole line of storms was effecting most of Barron county. the Cumberland area also saw Severe hail. here are the storm reports.
3 NW Cumberland 1.00 Hail
Cumberland 0.75 inch hail
Clayton 0.50 inch hail-many pea sized hailstones some were as large as dimes.

here is a photo of the hail the largest one is dime sized

this is a photo of some of the leaves that were knocked out by the hail,the hail knocked out many of the weaker leaves so now our yard is covered in yellow leaves driving around the area you can see lots of fresh colored leaves on the ground from hail.