Gardening, Uncategorized

Fall Color Report #1

Yellow Ash Tree in our yard September 26th

fall color is slowly become more and more noticeable around the area. every county in the area is reporting Low Color 26-50% expect St Croix County. Around Clayton. I’ve Noticed Sugar Maple trees are now starting to change orange and red, I’ve also seen some yellow in maples. Some Elm trees are turning yellow, Ash trees that have turned last weak are turning brown and are losing leaves fast. our lawn is already covered in leaves from our ash trees. looking father away from the area. Some places in Wisconsin in Sawyer county are already at peak color- 100% so this may mean were not far behind. I would Put the Clayton area at Low Color 21% for current reports from the Clayton area, I will keep an undated report on the side bar. and for current fall color reports from other counties in the area please go to:

here is a photo of an orange Sugar maple. taken September 26th

here is my forecast guess for this weekend. looks nice on Sunday! but a chance of rain during the day Saturday which is the Clayton Homecoming!