Gardening, Uncategorized

Landscapes of NW Wisconsin.

Here is a Cool Map that I put together. Showing the Different landscapes and trees types in the 6 county area! areas colored in Dark Red is where the landscape is more Sandy. and Where Red Pine and Jack pine tree stands are more common Also Birch and aspen are common there. The Green is the area where the Forest Transition is. This is where the Northern Forest to the North of the green, meets the Southern Forest to the south of the green. it is Where they Merge together So trees can range from All broad leaf forest to Pine trees. ( you can really see this in the Photos I took Below) This is also where you will see the most change in the tree types Which you can really tell if you drive from Clear Lake to Spooner area. The Orange is where the Western Prairie Is. There is less trees in this area, most trees are Broad leaf forest stands. You can really see the change from more Forested area to clear Prairie Lands when you drive from Clayton to New Richmond. The Yellow is where the Ridges and Coulees begin. This area of land has allot of steep hills and coulees. You can really see this change south of Ridgeland. less farmlands in these areas, because of all the steep hills, also most to all of the trees you will see here is broad leaf forest. the Blue is where some of the North Central Forest extends into Eastern Washburn and Barron counties.

White Pine Tree Stand in the woods North of our house, White Pine tree stands are more rare then they are common around Clayton. This one is mixed with some other broad leaf trees.

here is some Broad leafed trees the woods south of our house. This is what most of the Forests look like here. Allot of Maple in here. also Ash and Poplar.
Though there are Forest here. most of the land you see looks like this. Farmland and fields. more trees off to the west.

Enjoy this Sunny weather!


  1. Nice entry! The first time I visited the Rice Lake area and drove north to Trego I was surprised by the landscape. I was thinking it would be more like the Northwoods I am used to seeing… Pine Trees, instead it was mostly Birch.

  2. Yep Rice Lake has mostly broad leafed trees as well! Very neat tree changed here! then you drive far enough North and you see nothing but Wet pine tree forest, with lots of dead black spruce.

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