Gardening, Uncategorized

Winter snowfall amounts, and rain amounts so far

This past winter was snowier then average, I recorded 61.75 inch’s of snow, during the winter season. the average winter snowfall for Clayton,WI is 49.0 inches looks like the wet weather is continuing. we got 2.80 inches of Rain this April that’s above the average of 2.61 inches and we got 4.50 inches of snow this April, the average snowfall for April is just 2.0 inch’s, this is good news though, the lakes and streams are finely coming back to a normal levels. Camellia Lake, seems to be back to a normal leavel, good news for people who want to go fishing! hopefully were done with snow for the season.


  1. It’s been a very wet month. I thought we may have had a chance to break an all-time record but our total is .14″ short and seemingly out of reach with less then 12 hours left of April.

    Good stuff! Thanks for sharing your data with us!

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