Gardening, Uncategorized

Snowy weather ahead, sunny warm weather this weekend

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Twin Cities NWS Story of the day shows the upcoming sloppy weather for Monday looks like they have our area down for 1 inch to .50 it will be wet snow, so it wont take long to melt. more on that as Monday comes a bit closer.

Sunday will be nice, I think we will have mostly sunny to Partly cloudy skies, and we will have mid to upper 30s north to upper 30s and possible some low 40s south. Winds should be light. With this weather more of the snowpack will melt away, not much more to go, In joy the warm weather!

1 Comment

  1. Update on this fake weather forecasting site.After spending most of the day investigating I found out the name of these person,also found out an email address,which I have sent to you guys.I will be posting this info on he’s blog in the next day or so I will also post his info on the fake sites forum..So he will be getting contacted by people through the USA..He has been warned to stop copying forecasts and adding his “I think” words to it..He is about to find out how big our group is and how dictated we are in shutting down fake sites and blogs like this.

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