Gardening, Uncategorized

Weekend Forecast

Map and forecast icons from

My thoughts

Saturday we will have about Avg high temps in the upper 20s to low 30s north to the low to mid 30s south skies will be Partly cloudy to Mostly cloudy and there will be a bit of a breeze. in joy your day Saturday, because Sunday does not look so nice.

Map and forecast icons from

my thoughts

Sunday will be a messy day, Temps will be in the low 30s north to the upper 30s and low 40s south, It could be partly cloudy at first then turning cloudy, a System with a warm front and trailing cold front will move in from the west this will give us a good chance at a Rain and snow Sunday, there could be a fair amount of accumulation, then the cold front will go though and it will turn to all snow by Sunday night. and be cooler just in time for Monday Be careful on the roads, Advisories and warnings for the 6 county area of in Western Wisconsin will be posted here.

1 Comment

  1. Update on this fake weather site.Before that now I see he has link to the National weather service.If you notice he has the wrong link just like before on the National weather service maps he uses..He has the link to the Storm Prediction Center.Just shows everyone he can’t link to the right page,he sure can’t forecast link he thinks he can.I also see he is now saying “my thoughts” BS he still copying someone forecast!and adding his own words to it.Have you notice I have been saying he.That’s right we got a name of this person who is running this site.I got this email from another spotter telling me who it was also got a few other emails after that one naming this person.So us spotters join in again to take off fake site such as this one!
    Now for the update on the investigation into this fake site.Things are slowly moving forward now with a name if hands and each forecast he post digs himself a deeper hole.So this fake site will slowly get taken off the net!! Then we can move onto others that we find.
    I can’t post the name right now but will be able to do so soon.I will also post his email address so then everyone can email him and let him know what he is doing is just plain wrong!

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